

maybe the third letter to the agent is the charm.
knock stubbornly.
rutger hauer just died. the dutchman. the actor.
his tour de force role was roy batty in bladerunner.
ridley scott married a costarrican woman.
he makes lazy decisions, can't appreciate the mold, decaying agents, how everything since is imitation without elegance, precision, team work and the most fantastic set ever built.
there is a purity to the memory of first understanding that story, the shadow civil war.
why would non-feeling beings even want more time?
assuming humanity still existed in the the year 2019.
all names repeated ripley.
why do i even want a publishing deal?
12,000 per year for as long as it takes?
amazon the woods, the lungs, the carbon.
there are no more patents and no more properties.
rogue weaponry erased.
machinery abandoned along the front to be grown over like corral in the ocean.
all the devastation took over by bramble and carbon capture.
the jungle was not designed to absorb so much sun.
kingdom of cochabamba, long life!
cain, caña to delimit the edge to remove the wars from the carbons being captured.
in 80 years time, there may be cuatro gatos or, cuatro million.
but we will all attain financial security, immunity and rest.


before after

i have to blog every day about memory.
because, every day writing makes writing legit.
if it's not printed on paper is it still a book?
i do not need an agent and a publisher.
but, i want a reputation and the money.

there are only 37 chapters in catracha.
i'm almost fifth floor age
stories are standing.
how will it feel when i publish?
dear jaleh, we work in the non-profit spiritual world, interpreted by ink on tree pulp. there is nothing done in the 20th century without killing. while your book is interesting, it's like summer, the sahara, the center of the atom bomb, too hot.

"too" much "to" appreciate about "tú".
your read is no escape.
your bilinguality is irrelevant, the literary crux is unoriginal, the critique obnoxious.
you destroy everything we value, that keep us safe, from truth.
you are unkind.

my financial security is not getting rich.
publishing made it about capitalism writing fantasy targeted at children.
casting a single name Rawling into aspirational content generation.
blogs read?
probably not.


Centro Desarrollo Urbano de Mora

this is the site of Latin America's first sustainable urban development center.
it will feature a greenhouse pavilion made of bambú.
it will transform over the next mayor government into a communal organic farm, orchard and water management system.
it will be rounded and contoured away from square shape with low walls that are crowned in blackberry, mora, in honor of the district's name.
it will provide fresh food for the kitchens of our town schools.
it will generate seed and sapling for gardens everywhere.
corn, bean, squash.
yuka, camote, chicasquil.
papaya, piña, banana.
a dense, diverse garden with enough flowers to sustain a beehive.


private idaho

en vez de llamarlas "calle" las llamaremos suegras norte sur y exesposas oriente occidente
si van a poner un googleplex en la esquina sur de la sabana, tienen que convertir el gimnasio en rotonda y la datsun en cinco esquinas multiuso.
vamos a imaginarr un ghostbuster town en la vieja gasolinera, repartir comida a los payasos de los semáforos.

las 5 esquinas las llamaremos matias, justicias, reyno, chorotega, naranjo.

el centro colón es reliquia, es turismo tétrico. qué hay ahora en ese teatro? raimundo tupper ware  de cual ventana saltó? hablar del opus dei, en tiempos de epstein.

cómo y de qué pena aquel jóven deportista de chile, el más guapo de américa, un tupac alejandro, un ernesto girasol, un erudito magnus.

le vamos a poner suegras a los caminos boulevard que complacida complace, no se mete, apaña. exesposa a la que lanza, ataja y refresca. ya no llamaremos calles a las autopistas del sol ni le daremos dinero a globalvia. lo hecho esta hecho, misma piedra.

esta maraña de redes de senderos entre alaska y chile comienza y termina, día tras noche.
déjense nombrar.
costa rica es donde se cruza el próspero fernandez y general cañas. y punto. #.

Yo aqui sentada
sobre propiedades valiosisimas.
Laven su capital en mí.
el proyecto es ecovivienda sostenible y renovación urbana.