

 i by the name of jaleh (persian meaning a type of rain, morning dew) by the paternal surname ruhe (german meaning serenity) have been blessed with a very large family consisting of diehls, ruhfs, kunzs, boligers, gibsons, olearys, far and wide across the great north american continent. by marriages i'm related somehow to schoens, homnicks, gebals, by spit from kisses to most last names throughout latin america.

but all those mentioned are related to one man in particular, my grandfather David Ruhe Seiger M.D.

davido was the pipsqueek of the family, born after sally, he took after their father Percy until at the late age of eighteen he grew just enough to be taller than his next of kin William. they were all blue eyed blonds. 

i've wanted to write about him for a long time, 50 years to be exact. he's been dead since 2005, october, he's been gone for 16 years. he died a few months after pope john paul died. they were samesies, religion men. i did not know then that we chase after one another weaving in and out of lifetimes and timelines.

a dear friend david zeledon died "with" covid last week, in his 50s, overweight, always had trouble breathing. his son, named after my grandfather, david ruhe zeledon, posted on social media that he'd died "of" the disease. semantics matter.

there was no man i loved more in the world than my grandfather. i love my dad christopher, but i loved his dad more. my dad is musical and macho, his dad was more. 

the greatest generation born at the beginning of the last century davido was slightly derailed by his older sister sally, their mother amy had no intention of having daughters, there was a farm to keep and a few wars to be fought, sally was a mere of a glitch in the plans, davido was the plan itself. 

pennsylvania, the lehigh valley, ruhes and seigers are many generations farmers. our farm house and barn in the hills above emmaus are more than a century old. we are frontline rodale press, we eat really good food. davido's dad percy, was the editor of the morning call newspaper in allentown call when bethlehem steel built manhattan. davido travelled with his choir to sing psalms at saint john the divine outside columbia at 122th st on the island. allentown the song billy joel sang about.

percy ruhe editor, percy ruhe fact-checker, percy ruhe editor in chief of the steel workers connection to the rest of the world between 1930ish and 60ish, the ruhe in the know.

davido had 4 brothers william, edward, joe and benjamin. joe was the golden boy, he died young. william captained war vessels at sea and married a carole, settled around the district of colombia in virginia. edward found a fellowship at the university of kansas and hung out with writer william buroughs. benjamin did an australian walk-about with a fullbright and married a continental.

davido was a vaccine expert in that he studied malaria and treatments, contagious disease and inoculation. in georgia, in the 1940s, audiovisual recording was in adolescence, and as such, it's use to illustrate theory could be easily exploited. davido had a good heart and theories of pasteurization and penicillin had legitimized a means of food production that could defy seasons and resist infestation. modernity seemed bright for his heirs, his legacy. as long as the skies were still dark and full of stars, while humanity still slept sound and peacefully at night, modernity seemed safe.

modernity: the vacuum cleaners, the baby formula, the telephone, the toy, the tinsel, the automobile, the rocket ships, the air-o-planes, the 24-7 help desk, the mall of things, the comfort, the commodity, the effortlessness, the instant gratification, would even increase time for rest and restoration. as long as the streets were still, slumber was safe. 

when you have history with history, you know your own history within general history, both vertically and horizontally. historically, i've learned, you need to be a tall man with a deep voice in order to be heard. 

we record history as deaths and births. that's all that history is made of, ends and beginnings of time. 

for davido then, and for me now, history also means seasons, tradewinds, equinoxes and solstices, moons and menstruations, sowing and seeding, pruning and harvesting, time only means something here on earth where it's polite to be punctual. time means measure and manifestation for all being, for all light to come through, for all particles to accelerate. time can also means a number of candles, a karaoke machine, a wink, an understanding. 

davido was a vaccine expert, a medical cowboy, a bypass recipient, a pill taker, a new york times reader, a buick driver, a long standing member of the baha'i universal house of justice in haifa israel. a tall man with a deep voice. a capricorn ox he was a dark night and a bright morning.

i was a girl, then a woman, with a soft voice and a medium stature moved to write about him. i was a truth teller. i went to school with everyone. 

i brought the moons and menstruations to davidos table. his wife meg had born two sons a leo and a libra. they did not let her speak either unless it was creature comfort. when davido and i quarrelled, she was right there in between us at the table pushing pistachios and bitesize candy in our directions in a loving way of dispelling the subject of administration and machination. 

meg only had one sister, anne marie honnold, who outlived her by less than ten years. meg had been considered the rebel of the two. a libra herself, she could not stop flirting. that was who she was. born a taurus, i was slow to anger and horrific to blow.

the table talk had gone well the few months i lived with my grandparents in 1994, the conversation was mainly about the wildlife that lived in the suburban back yard of their newburg, home. we'd had conversations about women not serving on the nine of the UHJ, about cancer, about diet, about the spiritual language of astrology and the mirror between eastern and western myth, about brain formation and gender dysforia, about abortion and gun rights, and for the most we agreed on the conservative side, but we nearly came to blows about masks, about masking against disease, about the effectiveness of nostrils vs breathing in your own breath, about oxygen deprivation and madness, about the world not being a hospital, about surgeons using them to not get blood and stench on them. and i won the fight by calling all of modern medicine an incompetent mess, a snakeoil business model at best and an evil plot to destroy humanity at worst. then i stormed out of the house in a blinded rage and went somewhere to cry alone and pray. same god, one god, all god, made in his image i testified and eventually calmed enough to go back and face my gorgeous, awesome, unique grandfather.

i found him in the study, at his desk, bumbling between the typewriter, the canvasses, the books, the files and projects of his life, i had nothing to say. so i apologized i leaned my gentile self on his broad bony back, hugged his large pointy bald skull that housed that mighty brain and blue eyes and noticed once again that he only had my picture of all his grandchildren on his wall. 



 una anti-reality

tenemos una esquina en san pedro por donde pasa el tren y los alumnos de la ucr, que contiene en su primer piso tres fotocopiadoras. en el segundo un piso abierto de ventanas amplias que visitan las tiendas y la tertulia de la calle de la amargura. esta en abandono tambien, un pizzería industrial con amplio espacio de restaurant sobre la acera oriente. 

verlo renacer en el año 2022 es el objetivo de la producción.

su confluencia es patrimonio.

es el desborde de las radio emisiones, el hizar de banderas, giro inesperado, presenciar futuro, muy reales, muy concretos, de multiplicar esos espacios en lo virtual.  

los actores, que no son actores, son los dueños de la propiedad, diseñadores, fontaneros, carpinteros, electrcistas, y el transitar de los curiosos, vecinos, turistas, agentes de bienes raíces, la municipalidad de oca, de todas las razas y credos. 

filmar el restituir de un edificio con mucha historia en la memoria colectiva de la ucr con un hilo narrativo, un marco conceptual dentro de la historia de los últimos 20 años. 

es el recrear el tiempo no telefónico.

es un capítulo de una hora de una docuserie que eligirá espacios maravillosos en la san josé metropolitana para hacerle un makeover. auspiciarían las constructoras. 


no se lo lleven

to grow into invisibility, now in the dawning new era, where the subtle shifts of discourse and disinformation congeal and then vanish without a trace. 

it’s all in formation.

today’s tarot

june 8th, 2021

spiritual belief is an interpretation of and relationship with mystery. 

it’s easy to overlook, but the way we relate to what we cannot see, or do not control is ripe with core beliefs about life and the world. are our inmediate needs within walking distance? 

distance is how we measure movement and are therefore time.

the hierophant

i live where i want to live because i live here.

deep in the mountain, close to the highway, on a globe, in a cosmos, with more life forms that can be counted and should be named. 

souls bound to bodies, then unleashed into realms and memory, all the time before and all the space ahead. 

philospher brian massumi spoke of hope as to do with the capacity to maneuver, the potential in a moment. instead of hope as a capacity for projecting a positive outcome into a moment that doesn’t exist yet, hope is saying i can work with this. i can do something here.

the star.

17 year old juliane koepcke was sucked out of an airplane over peru in 1971 after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. she fell almost two miles to the ground, strapped to her seat and survived. after she endured 10 days in the amazon jungle she was rescued by loggers. 

pluto isn’t leaving capricorn to ingress in aquarius till 2024.

my job from now till 2022, starting 

wednesday september first, 

is logistics.

my closest and my dearest can land home: bed, shower, shit, breakfast and buses to beaches.

all i ask in return are $1200 and a new mac airbook.

i want to see my oldest and my deepest.

my anisa, my bens, my elena, geomas, chaguis, de la jaras, i want to see all my morrisseys.

i want to see my going places.

my si como nos.

tierra india.



ele narda

 en anticipo a fin de año, he dicho por el chat que hay cosas que hacer en costa rica, proyectos, negocio, en fin, hay trabajo. para nosotras, por donde sea en el mundo hay pega, solo que aquí en "la tiqucia" le decimos brete.  

en lo personal nada me importa el trabajo ni ganarme una vida. doy por hecho a gesara.

hay teatros que revivir, talleres que organizar, desasociaciones asociativas para capitalizar, arte que promover, vitrinas que decorar, piñeras que sustituir, jardines comunales que plantar, entrevistas que pautar, bibliotecas que transferir, entre gentes que ya se conocen e inmigrados del pacífico-caribe. entre siervos menguados que estan enmascarillados porque no saben ser libres. 

esta es la suma de todos los charcos creativos desde méxico hasta la patagonia, todos hablan español, y el gringo, que no. y a pesar de ser comunidad concurrida, diversa y bien dotada, no suman más que charquito, la ilusion del cual ha llegado a depender de cuanta misoginia se es capaz de aguantar.

en la centroamerica y el caribe hay imagen que rectificar, niños que liberar, marcas que desprestigiar, producción en general pos-pandemia.

en lo mío tengo que escribir obra, guiónes de teatros-cena, tours guiados por los mitos y etos de la memoria griega, mediterranea, clásica, el origen de memes, las glorias de shakespeare. 

y tengo $17 en el banco. 

las achiras is back, strega :) 




time to die, every day, till every morning to be reborn, to rise like a phoenix, make the bed, wash the face, hit the keyboard, till that one day, when you really die and you don't wake up and you remain in dreamtime, without time and watch the living spout flames off the tops of their heads with each baby sunrise, round and round we go. 

speak each day to all our unliving ancestors, they're everywhere and nowhere at all. 

larry ruhf, was always the other twin to peter, for me. until i moved to massachusetts at 18. i knew at the get-go like the rest of the ruhe men, larry could be trusted. ruhe men were a haven because i was hot-cakes, the beginning of the new generation, where cecile was the end of sally's. 

larry always stopped by to see chris, and doug, for hugs, for dish, for reflection, for measurement. and i so appreciate it. men loving men, being supportive, clowning it up, owning the stage. the neat guys.

cousin having is a sibblinghood, a vast network of genetic disorganization for optimal health through unity. so going through life and having my mind and heart changed by the changing times, knowing my uncles were good guys, with great hearts was my psychic armor when living and adapting to other people's uncles. i was always able to speak to old guys, any and all, and i learned about the goodness of men, and their evil, safe from harm.

larry tried to run-away to paradise. i didn't have the heart to tell him it would fail miserably. it was the most gung-ho i ever saw him. and since then, the times we shared felt like defeat, and by defeat, the reward of such divine creativity, amazing painting, pure offline joy. 

larry always spoke to me of love, and the women he loved so bad and so dearly, about how concerned he felt about being a burden to anyone, an echo of something doug had said, and chris, and even davido, for that matter. 

where is our power in life beyond the words spoken on our behalf in death?

he ain't heavy, he's my brother. 




 the sum of a blog should eventually become a book.

or several. curator summations of moments in time that create a story line, accountability.

i always write better when i'm not writing. when i'm standing around thinking, which is often and constant, i write perfect sentences summarizing and connecting vastly different ideas that solve mysteries and creates new ones. 

half one's age + 7 is the measure of difference between acceptable and reproachable.

quick how many ten minute videos can you clock in one day?

wednesday astrology: leo leo leo

es como el orto el community standard, si son como las ueas de ueones. pajeros. sexualidad infantil y cosificada. inventos y esquemas ualalas, mal hechas, llamadas economias, econotuyas ueon aueonado. 

que cohetes, que pichas, que precios, que cifras, que ciencias matemáticas para explicar biologías, cosificación po ueon, de tus gonadas caraepicha.

ay si, gracias por el voto en tus democracias y tus filosofías, tonto ueón sin prepucio


facebook jail

 when i get put in facebook jail i come here to blog about why i was put in social media jail.

i was put here to keep my mouth shut, to keep my fingers still, to omit my time on a line of rambled beginnings and endings, to think about the futility of postponing an ending and delaying a beginning.

so i drink beer mostly, and chat with those closest, the ones i call home, the few among the feminine and the masculine who have mastered duality to such a point that a third doesn't matter, or any variation on multiplicity; and marriage and children are an unspoken bond, a sacred trust, that all will attain balance  within process.

i come to blogspot for it's attractive name. buhlog. spotuh. because it's the annals of internets world wide web, berners lee afterthought, the hint of mint but not the leaf.

i organize meet ups among street friends because aunties can't be fighting each other.

i come to blogeh espoteh, to listen to keith jarret koln concerts in it's real tone, not packaged; in it's original gigaherz, from the origin, not it's techno acceptability, at the place i met it when i was a child.

i come here because i am still raw.

51 in the year 2021...

i come here to speak in english.

as an anti-pundit

for i am an expert in experience devoted to intuition. the books have all been grand but they were printed on pine and stood against hemp.

i blog on the ether full aware that print is possible for the uninitiated into the ether. 

that their money and their sorrow may never cross paths. there are x amounts of musical instruments present here on this planet, they are the only means to an end to mineral extraction, they are beyond economics, drudgery and space travel.

brass and leather.

i blog because i have a constant need to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be included in a conversation that has no beginning and no conclusion.

that started this morning that's ending this afternoon.

i come here to set a tiny pebble in the framework of frameworks. 

la última finca, the last farm, was and is and will be tied to seasons, rainfall, wind capacity, fiber.

i am here because i actually don't want my name in any books, i just want to print all the books i have ever read. 

on hemp.

like the bible intended.

i am here because i cannot be anywhere else.


the deep

 never have i ever been bored or boring and now, i've reached pastel.

i cannot look at social media without feeling like i've had too much cake, like the cake had too much frosting, and the frosting had too much merengue, and the smell of egg is behind my eyes.

i did not grow up with television, so i was the girl who came to your house and watched it for hours until my face was numb.

my first laptop was a mac, this is a mac. the first had no internal modem and a roller ball mouse. i used it for college. this mac has been with me since 2015. it was lighter when first purchased, an "airbook" and the battery lasted for 8 hours. it weighs a little more now and the battery lasts about an. 

and i'm bored of it. i'm bored of the little screens with all the little wonderful things it has to show me, the recipes, the gossip, the scoops, the fakes and the facts, the flat, angry backhands of trolls, the punishment of the heroes, the financing of the wars, the children in peril, the rights of the genders and the pronouns, the before and afters, the mental mazes, their passwords, the touch screens, the internet of things, the talking houses, the self driving cars, the noise of a million external modems all logging in at the same time.

a tiny butterfly lands to my left. it is brown and has markings on the back that are blue red and black. it's odd and delicate and the wind makes the tiny protrusions on its wings flitter. 

i'm so tired of interneting, of flying here and there through machines, of the generous helpings of information that i expose myself to on a daily basis. that i share in the hopes that informing as many possible will create a hole from which to extract ourselves from illusion. 



it seems i won't be getting the third relief check. i got the trump checks, but i won't getting biden's.

so i'm opening another door. i'm opening all the doors. i'm on the other side. 

instinctively when people speak of money, or contributions to funds, charity, philanthropy, when prices are inflated, when heckling happens, i always throw up in my mouth a little. money doesn't mean anything to poverty. food, shelter, literacy, are not money. money has become an excuse to not be happy in life. money is how rude people manage their existence. it makes stupid things and invents horrible jobs. 

steven jobs, a syrian, didn't make apple computers to become rich. he became rich by making apple computers. bill gates didn't make windows, he made security alerts and created suspicion, and became rich by weaponizing doubt. he could have made actual doors, floors, shelves or gates and still been freakishly wealthy. 

windows, HA! micro+soft = an angry wife.

so,  facebook put me back in la carcel for 30 days

i called the chilean president a sudaco.

hello from back in the bloggosphere, where nobody reads you, i'm here for writing the way i talk.

it's not hateful, it's bilingual. 

dear mark zuckerberg, 

you have no community standards because facebook is not community and it's not yours to standardize. 

locking people's freedom out of AI neurology is a freak maneuver that's gonna take you straight back to dobbs ferry, or wherever you and aoc came from, where the chinese kid first shot and killed three people at his school simon's rock. 

nobody wanted nor wants to live in 1984. have you watched depeche mode awkward moments on youtube? do it, you'll comprehend that the last 30 years and the first 30 years we are flat dead center in the middle of, cannot be standardized by words taken out of context that sound hateful, the sum of our working class vocabulary, the slang of the oppressed, isn't yours to fact-check.

because 1984 wasn't anything like the novel 1984, not even remotely. 1984 was cyndilauperville, was big hair rock and roll, was devo cowboy, was queen breaking free. the year 1984 canceled the book 1984 the way the year 2019 canceled the movie bladerunner set in the year 2019. in the real year, pre-covid, it did not rain non-stop over los angeles, there were no flying cars, people hardly smoked and rutger hauer died. even the year 2001 canceled the movie 2001, and we're still under the blue and white thumb of the idiots that plotted to destroy the world trade center, on the same day as chile's 1973 bombing of the govt palace in santiago. in 1984 we saved the starving children of africa, twice, the cold war was an antique peter sellers comedy, the imagery of metropolis was like the ancient titanic at the bottom of a nameless sea. 1984 was the actual opposite of scary and dystopic. it was shiny, and puffy, and all over latin america people were building strong minds, with simple food and hard labor.

shit did not, has not and cannot match up, no matter how many parallels the pundits may draw.  in 1984 we did not wear seat belts, we stayed out all night, there were always four seasons, the amazon forest was still the size of continental europe, tetanus and heroine were the only common injectables, our wheat, oats and corn were real and glyphosate was being developed in secret as a bioweapon in some sinister lab financed by cocacola, cars and war criminals. we still felt protected under the geneva convention, in costa rica we still felt immune to war because we literally had no armed forces and no reguetón. contrary to the somber tone of the novel 1984, the real year's music and fashion, the places we listed and wore things to, were magical. 

all the modernity and luxury big tech worships, have become so boring. they are two gentile douche bags, elon musk and jeff bezos. their cars all look the same, their highways and their traffic lights all feel the same, the same new smell of conditioning, the same undying eventuality, a wife and kids, acid reflux.  

and they tell of making quantum computers that are smarter than me. they is a machine. they objectify themselves. they submit to body mechanics, vaccinations, nanotechnology, piercings, colonoscopies, to precision tweaks invented in medieval torture chambers. but they can never be man and can never be woman, except in the marvel that is their own imaginations.

in a sharp turn of events, i've been released from the facebook word police, my sentence cut short from 30 to only 5 days. it helps to be honest at every moment, most of what you say is what you leave unsaid. the internet belongs to the world's real army, and quantum computing AI cannot even go online until nature has been restored. so always tell the truth and do no harm.


reasons to be cheerful

Dear Reasons to be Cheerful.

You are a refreshing space for positive news in an ocean of muck; "how opera classes greatly improve covid lung recovery" "how to reinstate the right to repair" "how landlords and tenants can talk it out" are a great beginning to many years of headline galvanization.

I really like this site, it's content and it's editorial objective. So, I got super excited when I saw you're seeking contributing editors and immediately tried to drum up pitch lines for stories from where I live in Costa Rica, in Central America, in all of Latin America. 

I hopped up to scribble on my white board. I waited. I wrote "24 reasons to be cheerful", I waited, then "south of the border". Then I wrote the numbers 1 through 24 as a list, then I lay down for a nap.

Off the top of my head I could not pitch a cheerful recent story. I could pitch "Stories we'd be cheerful about if... ", "Costa Rica the richest...", "Only two nations have beaten the American army back to America, Vietnam and Nicaragua...", "Lets talk about bugs, a visit to the La Salle Museum...", "Who the heck sold us all this razor wire and how much did it cost?...". 

They're all stories of intrigue that could be told in such a manner so as to name the names without placing the blames, but keeping the maths, the maps and the timelines as accurate as possible. 

"Tiny spaces, going places..." "Trams, why steam punk made public transport awesome again..." "Google maps, San José, no pedestrian remote view...". 

As I state in my résume, I am not a fan of cars, generally, and I do not own a phone. I am however, in the close contact with urban information architects that have been seeking somewhere to critique the "pura vida" infrastructure in a luxury based economy that's been rebranded at world trade fairs as "essential".

We don't have a lot of light reading on important subjects down here. Online, we're currently invested in the freedom of memes and the subjects of disclosure all whilst hushed by corporate marketing, which for me, a career journalist of 30 years between Chile and New York,  witness to several attempts at nation branding, is reason to be cheerful.

I'd love the opportunity to amplify your publication in any capacity. I'm a very fast and accurate translator  and could scout for other collaborators across the region. We could key up lists of weekly topics, the conversations, opinions and controversies they address. 

While I've not published in print in many years, this is the link to a memoir I wrote: Catracha  



 ahora se une al esfuerzo creador tres personas de una consultería.


¿cómo hacemos en 120 minutos un paquete de información optimista y alentador para cambiar los modelos de negocio a trasnacionales con oficinas y empleados en nuestros países centroamericanos para que sus productos y servicios sean, no solo amistosos, pero beneficiosos al medio ambiente, y sobre todo al agua?




inclusión a los arquitectos y diseñadores urbanos

mano de obra humanizada y participativa

financiamiento de proyecto de un ente que no pierde nada con cambiarlo todo... y lo hace con gusto.

nuestro charco de talento a nivel nacional, como en todas las naciones, fue un charquito muy seguro, variado y cerrucha pisos. durante el leve tiempo en que fuimos charco publicitario, vimos una multiplicacion de acciones y automatizaciones que conforman a nivel social mobilidad, vivienda y estatus. para resumir digamos, ciudades como jacó y perez, se hicieron grandes.

el tono y el ritmo de una docuserie para netflix debe reflejar no solo el decir de aquellos que consideramos superiores, debe cuestionar porqué los consideramos tal, y si la verticalidad social se puede redibujar, reformatear, reconsiderar en otra luz sin contraste ni comparación.

arreglar el mundo es una tarea futurista.

yo nunca me ví en un futuro orwelliano, pusilánime y cobarde. yo me ví en este futuro natural, saludable y empoderada.




de la misma forma que confiamos en los sistemas de trabajo y progreso, debemos tambien confiar en el descanso y la regeneración.

hola, les presento a la republica federal de centroamerica.

esta es una foto de ella de día.

esta es una foto de ella de noche.

ella tiene partes conocidas como países, son seis: belize, guatemala, honduras, el salvador, nicaragua, y costa rica.

son siete si incluyes a panamá

son nueve si incluyes el sur de méxico y las costas norteñas de colombia y venezuela

son 24 si le agregas la fila de islas que demarcan la barrera entre el mar caribe y el oceano atlántico.

esta es una foto de ella térmica

esta es una foto de ella al revés

esta es una foto de ella con filtro

esta es una foto de ella sin filtro

esta es una interpretación artística, esta es otra.

 así se vería desde el otro lado del mundo si la tierra fuera transparente.

aquí vivimos 200 millones de centroamericanos

en eeuu viven otros 100 millones

pero por alguna razón nos referimos a la centroamerica como una region pobre y a sus ciudadanos como gente marginal, como minoría.

por pueblo nos llaman panas, ticos, nicas, catrachos, guanacos, chapines y a los de belice, ellos hablan inglés entonces no dejaron apodar.

a los niños venezolanos les dicimos chamos, a los de colombia "los pelados", (más de esto)

pero a fin de cuentas, son todos niños descedientes de mayas, aztecas, incas y amazónicos, son tainos, guaimi, garabitos, peches, y un gran enredo de españoles y europeos que se nacionalizaron comprando fincas y abriendo chinamos.  

más nos junta que nos divide.

y debajo de toda esta tierra hay depósitos suculentos de minas preciosas, de petroleo y oro. 

pero nosotros vivimos en la superficie. los 200 mil centroamericanos convivimos con millones de especies de plantas y animales que se han demorado millones de años en evolucionar y en un espacio pequeñísimo de tan solo 20 años los estamos empujando a todos al borde de la extinción.

y no somos los consumidores los resposables de esta tragedia. son las empresas y los dineros de otros países que causan la muerte y la enfermedad, los químicos industriales, los plásticos desechables, los artículos del hogar. son los carros y los teléfonos que crean un desapego entre el ser humano y la tierra que nos da vida.  

solo resulta para la última finca hablar por la última finca. ya el sothebys y los premios, y los acuerdos redactados sin sangre ni saliva no me sirven. la pornificación de la tragedia se sella en su firmamento con el terremoto y tsunami del 2005, con el ver explotar en tiempo real al reactor nuclear de fukushima en el 2011. para mi, solo resulta escapar de las pantallitas y los desafíos de moda.

la última finca busca colaborar para hacer, en edificio real, tiendas que ofrecen artículos, ropas y utilería deportiva fabricadas con fibras, resinas y aceites de materiales que no dañan la tierra, que se pueden cultivar y que en su cultivación sana a los suelos de los millones de kilos de venenos que hemos vertido sobre ellos para venderle piñas a los alemanes y cocaina a los enfermos. 

la ultima finca quiere promover industrias de elaboración de la planta del cáñamo.

el cáñamo es la planta preferida por las abejas.

tenemos cuatro años para salvar el único ecosistema del mundo que contiene toda su biodiversidad.


cacc centroamericacambioclimatico

llamar a la ciencia del estudio atomsférico, maritimo y estacional "climatología" fue el primer desastre.

cuando encapsulamos conceptos en palabras únicas que pueden tener multiples sentidos exluyentes y sobre las cuales creamos parametros para describir fenomeno cambiante y planetario, "clima" puede describir meteorología, como puede describir valores, poblaciones, ánimos, productividad.

la palabra clima acompañado de cambio "cambio climático" es entonces un primer slogan en el avance de control climático. el desastre ocurre porque en la apropiación se puede convertir el concepto en arma. así se ha revelado en los últimos tiempos que el roceo de altos estratos de la atmosfera con gases o minerales puede afectar precipitaciones. 

es oportuno la genialidad humana que evade caer en trampas de lenguaje.

ciencia cierta se observa, se mide y se compara. 

contaminados? lo estamos, en términos científicos, medibles y comprobables. mientras los expertos de los medios discuten la existencia o no de algo invisible al ojo humano, el ojo humano ve con facilidad los humos negros que salen de tubos de escape, huelen los componentes químicos en quemas, en detergentes, en aerosoles, ya no tiene conección la planta de sus pies con la tierra. no es de sorprenderse que el primero de las síntomas del famoso malestar de moda es la perdida del olfato. 

tenemos que entonces, como comunicadores, crear un espacio en el que las palabras "cambio" "climático" y "ciencia" puedan transformarse de conceptos amenazantes e implacables, en oportunidades de aprendizaje y adaptación. 

mientras más lo pienso, una serie de 120 minutos para un proveedor único, puede resultarse de la elaboración social de un plataforma único para individuos, educadores y organizaciones múltiples cuyos trabajos y proyectos ya reflejan nuestro objetivo. 


cacc reunion one

 el escritor es interprete de la verdad.

no es su dueño.

hay que ver al escribir, si se interpreta con corazón, o con mente, o con ambas. la mente solo puede interpetar dualidades blanco y negro, falso o positivo, lo que ven los ojos, pero el corazón solo puede interpretar emociones el sentir sonidos, olores, memoria, en la dualidad; pero cuando se interpreta con ambos, se multiplican, se amplifican y se crean nuevas verdades. 

en la era de la falsa información, toda la informacion es válida.

ayer fue primer reunión de guión. estuvimos director, productor y guionista en compañia zoom de don luis alberto y su esposa doña eli. 

el programa que se elabora tiene como tema el medioambiente y centroamerica. 

es un tema gigante. abarca muchas verdades entre ellas que los mensajes políticos publicitarios propagandisticos de los últimos 20 años y la tecnología de la gratificación inmediata nos removieron de nuestros derechos humanos; se han creado consumidores donde hubo una vez ciudadanos, ya no somos parte del ecosistema natural.

es un tema casi tan grande, pero tan preciso como "amazonia o amazon"

se notó en menos de cinco minutos que los cinco presentes tenemos un afinidad determinante por el planeta tierra, amamos nuestra ubicación geográfica sobre el istmo que conecta los continentes de norte y sur américa, entre dos mares, que la defendemos, la queremos y la adoramos. 

y también se noto en cinco minutos que el avanzar del proyecto dependerá de la pugna, entre el querer hacer lo cómodo, por la cabaña, por lo bien visto, seguir una fórmula de púlpito y regalía; y el querer romperlo todo y crear miles de nuevos comienzos, ciudades de cabañas, renovación revolucionaria.

como herramienta narrativa, la pugna nunca falla. 

transitando de una era pisciana a una era acuariana es el momento de conversar y darle plataforma a las nuevas voces, apadrinar sus proyectos con dineros de los viejos negocios y esquemas económicas que peligran si no cambian. 

adjunto lista de temas con título

  • el mundo donde te criaste ya no existe
  • el mundo elaborado de los últimos 20 años y el mundo natural previo al 2000.
  • pesos, distancias y materia prima
  • sus sustitutos sustentables
  • elaboración de constituciones para la nueva latinoamerica desde chile a méxico
para cerrar, si no lo han visto, el espíritu, el sonido y el empuje de esta canción es lo que me trae a la mesa como escritor de lo que sea. vamos! 


2021 CACC

1. que se multiplique todo esto

2. ingenieria y arquitectura inspirada por la naturaleza para la vida en los trópicos

3. reforma 

4. suiza

5. imaginación

6. ecología como negocio

7. planteamientos y preguntas

8. mapas y maniobras

9. personería y responsabilidad

un ante sintaxis

una ener corrección

proto colos y tipos 

porqué las teorías de conspiración son tan seductores?