

 thomas the blind bisexual goose that loved two swans and fathered 68 goslings, died old, not young. 

the war is won by majority opinion, thumbs down on God's chosen. middle fingers up to the antichrist. guess we know the only two countries in existence willing to use weapons of mass destruction on our shared earth are the pornographers of humanity. haktua girls. 

thomas was neither blind, nor bisexual, he just loved two swans in equal measure not knowing he was a goose. 

weapons of mass destruction, who invented those? who brought terror and slavery to these lands? which people made torture a practice and devised language to defend it? who wants the machines to take over and replace women? it's not the christians. definitely not the muslims. 

thomas could see, enough to score and keep, not one, but two lady birds. his life was rich.

when even our weather had been weaponized by science, without permission, against the majority's will, there was one country that called every bluff and said "no"  every time, since 1988. and it's neither christian nor muslim, it's chilean. 


shots calling

    sheinbaum says we can gender profession, charge, title to fit DEI, while molotov says we can call me beaner, the makebelieve interlude of misters and masters, i am female, writer, author. in spanish, the new president of mexico wants you to call me autora which is grammatically incorrect according to the RAE royal academy of spanish. 

sheinbaum would also like spain to apologize for conquest.

gendering in spanish is very specific, the upperclass loaths beaners to say la calor. it's EL heat. they objectify everything into masculine and feminine. you can be an autor, but if you write novels or screenplays those specific genres are novelistas, guionistas. el calor y el frío son las temperaturas.

the charge of presidency is over all men. all men include females. you don't want to come into office that speaks for all men, by virtue of deceptive inclusivity. every time anyone responds by stating "as a" they're lying. i can't speak for women. i can't by the sole condition of my sex speak for my sex. and if i am to lead men, i want to be called chief not chiefa.