

 all the names.

on the list, of every man and woman who participated in sexual ritual and sacrifice with minors for the last hundred years.

i want to know the business holdings of every last capitalist that has enabled and been enriched by human bondage, trafficking and slavery over the last twenty. 

same way israel flattened gaza, i want to see celebrity that enabled and crafted the story of genocide in ruins. they are already captives of identity, imprisoned in their own minds, glimmerings on black monolith shaped phones, huddling zombies in broad daylight. 

there is no torture worse to famous pedos than the ordinary. the plain. the common. the good. don't put anyone in prison, inform the public. tell us their names so their neighbors, students, clients, understudies, mercenaries, butchers, book club, gardeners and coaches can treat them accordingly, with the compassion they did not show the children. 

the hazing is over, may no earth born human ever endure humiliation, nor initiate into any group that would haze another human being. 

i want the names of the genital mutilators that used foreskin tissue to experiment on cloning and other abominations. i want every abortionist from planned parenthood behind bars. i want a guaranteed permanent ceasefire in the middle east. i want every last jew deported back to their country of origin and i want the name benjamin netanyahu to be the big arrest. 


it's all stupid, especially grok

the reason we write is cause the devil can't read

tesla roadster. not a classic car. too heavy and gimmicky to be desired. too cartoonish. why does elon only use son x to garner attention towards HIS paternalism? the garish audacity of white south african entitlement baffles. 

"made on earth by humans", is printed on the vehicle instead of china or usa. it could say america made, after all, we're still the new world, established through the church of christianity, by families of mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, cousins all. we're still the first nation to declare independence from the British crown. meanwhile the boers have inbred so severely that some of them truly believe all of africa should be theirs and the blacks can remain, as slaves. they truly believe in the prodigal son, that he will master a race of robots.

in turn, i was born the year before elon, in honduras. i have 3k+ "friends" on the app that everyone makes fun of, but it's the app that houses the app preferences of more consistent subscribers, no, information miners, than all the other apps combined. so essentially twitter is just as small an echo chamber as facebook. 

as a peripheral citizen of nowhere, unlike musk, i don't measure my existence in likes or money. commodification of boundless emotion that as hard as he groks, the machines he wants us to refer to as "intelligent" can never feel. the socials have become the ultimate play ground, in virtual land anyone with enough followers can create content that mimics true success.

meanwhile, i'm outback, on the hill, shoveling and shaping terraces for future gardening, feeling the golden morning sunlight streaming through the trees, the sharp gravel and soft dust under my feet, the occasional poke of a reluctant cane shooting through. i'm outside, there, in the lightness of my body shaving chunks of anthill and chopping remnants of tall shoots and vines. the force of these arms, legs and back, the balance in push and pull, delicate strikes of a blade to the earth making vertical surface flat. there is no robot, ever, in the entire universe that can summon a demon. not as long as i'm breathing. 

social media made us "friends". real friendships didn't survive 9112001. when the phones came into production, the gadget garnered the avatars of the people who had loved before, a simulation of a good time, of a sidewalk, of a small town, of a bonfire. 

baby x is forming extreme attachment behaviors, children aren't designed to adorn their parent in public. every demon that has ever attacked elon attaches to his progeny. minime. made on earth, the car says, while it circles overhead. starlinking. 

my dad used to drag me to bars so he could play gigs. cause he couldn't afford a sitter. to be fair, they were day open mike events, hardly the drag venues that concurred after sundown, yet while he sang his medley of folk covers, i could sense the preceding night's disco themed afterparty, the dolls new york. i too was blond and pale, but unlike x, i had God's top angels standing between my innocence and the city's depravity. soho darts was dingy and smelly, and sad.  

elon's kid  seems like prince william's eldest kid, well aware that father will be king. x however, is not the eldest nor the baby among the musk offspring. claire boucher, mother, canadian, musician known as grimes is a kate, fake and overproduced, complicated. but to be fair, we’re all quirky online.