hay un decir, escribe borracho, edite sobrio.
pero hay algo por medio que es el ejercicio.
dejar sin editar los errores.
despedirse de la franquicia apenas termine la toma.
dejarlo ir sin tratar de recobrarlo.
esquivar intentos por sacarte explicaciones.
no ser autoría.
se supone que el web log, además de ser instantaneo, puede ser crudo, sin pulir.
no es para académicos ni especialistas.
casi te borro párrafo superior.
en la tiquicia cada letrado un opinólogo, ama de casa.
los silencios revelan siempre más que...
estamos redactando una constancia de vida, que en segundos se borra, se olvida.
disney no es dueño de la fantasia.
escribe sobrio con la intension de dejar ir.
porque el dinero de la franquicia no la reinviertes en otras franquicias, o sí?

nada escapa
es agotador ser víctima de pedofilia, y todos los somos.
desde los 70, probando límites, empujando sobres, hacer dudar que nacimos sabios.
que vea el bicho, observa mi mano, ponme atención.
es cansado saber que desde antes de ser sexuales, ya éramos considerado sexosos por curas, maestros, profesores, policias.
es impensable, por lo que escribo, que nos sacaban fotos.
nos robaban documentos, cédulas, retratos.
saber que tu amiga, la que se hizo puta, te robo esa foto.
eran coronas que llevabamos en nuestro pelo, halos, huella genética, de los que seres adultos, desconocidos, se llevaban nuestro olor.
veo imagenes del ex vicepresidente joe biden pasando sus manos por donde no le importa a los hijos de miembros de su parlamento y grito en silencio.
grité en silencio por la peli ET, las tomas de primer plano del científico, no de su cara, sino de su crotch, su entrepierna, con su panta beige, con su arogolla de llaves y su radio trasmisor mobil, desde el ángulo de los ojos de elliot, de et, y me dan ganas de romperle la jeta a stephen spielberg.
desde los 70 acostumbrados por hollywood a tragar horrores, pornos, satanás.
por suerte los ángeles vuelve a ser mexicano, la virgen, sacro.
son las 08:00 en punto.
me llama letra de cerati y melero,
te comportas de acuerdo, con lo que te dicta, cada momento, y esa inconstancia, no es algo heroico, es mas bien algo enfermo...
mexico es latino, es españa y azteca.
la argentina se muere, chó.
me llama el chiste que encuadra sobre centroamerica y caribe:
qué es un panameño?
un colombiano.
un venezolano que salió huyendo.
que ahora porquecome snickers cree que pegando porte, se encubre.
mentira que la gam josefina costarricense no les vende condominio.
estoy indignada desde siempre, hasta entonces, con vallas.
desde los 70, probando límites, empujando sobres, hacer dudar que nacimos sabios.
que vea el bicho, observa mi mano, ponme atención.
es cansado saber que desde antes de ser sexuales, ya éramos considerado sexosos por curas, maestros, profesores, policias.
es impensable, por lo que escribo, que nos sacaban fotos.
nos robaban documentos, cédulas, retratos.
saber que tu amiga, la que se hizo puta, te robo esa foto.
eran coronas que llevabamos en nuestro pelo, halos, huella genética, de los que seres adultos, desconocidos, se llevaban nuestro olor.
veo imagenes del ex vicepresidente joe biden pasando sus manos por donde no le importa a los hijos de miembros de su parlamento y grito en silencio.
grité en silencio por la peli ET, las tomas de primer plano del científico, no de su cara, sino de su crotch, su entrepierna, con su panta beige, con su arogolla de llaves y su radio trasmisor mobil, desde el ángulo de los ojos de elliot, de et, y me dan ganas de romperle la jeta a stephen spielberg.
desde los 70 acostumbrados por hollywood a tragar horrores, pornos, satanás.
por suerte los ángeles vuelve a ser mexicano, la virgen, sacro.
son las 08:00 en punto.
me llama letra de cerati y melero,
te comportas de acuerdo, con lo que te dicta, cada momento, y esa inconstancia, no es algo heroico, es mas bien algo enfermo...
mexico es latino, es españa y azteca.
la argentina se muere, chó.
me llama el chiste que encuadra sobre centroamerica y caribe:
qué es un panameño?
un colombiano.
un venezolano que salió huyendo.
que ahora porquecome snickers cree que pegando porte, se encubre.
mentira que la gam josefina costarricense no les vende condominio.
estoy indignada desde siempre, hasta entonces, con vallas.
sabbatical is over
i went offline for almost 6 months.
almost half a year without youtube, netflix, reddit.
after 11 solid years and probably a million posts, likes, loves, i did not con or pa-trol the facebook.
i did not write, except by hand.
i drew, i made a solar system mobile to hang over a crib, i scribbled housing and plumbing ideas, and prayed and breathed and on december 22, i took mushrooms and for a brief moment of absolute respite, i left...
...when i came back, i gardened.
i chopped ivy and weed and cleared parasitic growth from old trees and hillside.
i manicured the ground, carving curves for future planting, peanut and new trees: tamarind, guanabana, jocote, cás, nightshade, orange, lemon, field oak.
i sat with the dirt.
we cried and laughed together.
and when we were done, we felt lighter, ready for new growth.
six months have gone by:
august 11, i had gone to orosi, to ask the big river that flows to the atlantic, what to do.
it splashed by "be bossy".
then my computer, signaling the presence of dead ants and a singular drop of water, quit, on september 11.
october 11 i sold a car.
november 11 i took the nationalization exam for costa rica. i passed by 1 point.
december 11 i held space for the dead, for my stepfather, for my best friend, alone.
january 11 a girl named for a tree started her journey from womb to world.
february 11 i bemoaned not being online, online.
but today, yesterday, all week since monday, i have not asked once, for anything.
and not once did i wonder who i could ask, who i could not ask, for help.
being online is a kind of power that isn't really power.
most of "my" people are still, actually shit.
i never had an instagram or a tinder so i made the facebook both.
all men are most of my people. they all say i need a partner to complete me.
so i scrolled through photos of all men behind their steering wheels, seated in their cars, and of rogue men without car all around them; the first look like all men, the other look like me.
then i mused an old colega, a pinche publicista. built like a crane, this long fellow was the full entourage, an all inclusive comuna builder for talento tiquicia.
he asked me to dive deep.
i agreed.
the present is preparation, this blog entry is roots up and head down.
i ask, if anyone real read this, to imagine i have every seed i need to keep all forest fresh, forever.
i need to heal this holy land.
almost half a year without youtube, netflix, reddit.
after 11 solid years and probably a million posts, likes, loves, i did not con or pa-trol the facebook.
i did not write, except by hand.
i drew, i made a solar system mobile to hang over a crib, i scribbled housing and plumbing ideas, and prayed and breathed and on december 22, i took mushrooms and for a brief moment of absolute respite, i left...
...when i came back, i gardened.
i chopped ivy and weed and cleared parasitic growth from old trees and hillside.
i manicured the ground, carving curves for future planting, peanut and new trees: tamarind, guanabana, jocote, cás, nightshade, orange, lemon, field oak.
i sat with the dirt.
we cried and laughed together.
and when we were done, we felt lighter, ready for new growth.
six months have gone by:
august 11, i had gone to orosi, to ask the big river that flows to the atlantic, what to do.
it splashed by "be bossy".
then my computer, signaling the presence of dead ants and a singular drop of water, quit, on september 11.
october 11 i sold a car.
november 11 i took the nationalization exam for costa rica. i passed by 1 point.
december 11 i held space for the dead, for my stepfather, for my best friend, alone.
january 11 a girl named for a tree started her journey from womb to world.
february 11 i bemoaned not being online, online.
but today, yesterday, all week since monday, i have not asked once, for anything.
and not once did i wonder who i could ask, who i could not ask, for help.
being online is a kind of power that isn't really power.
most of "my" people are still, actually shit.
i never had an instagram or a tinder so i made the facebook both.
all men are most of my people. they all say i need a partner to complete me.
so i scrolled through photos of all men behind their steering wheels, seated in their cars, and of rogue men without car all around them; the first look like all men, the other look like me.
then i mused an old colega, a pinche publicista. built like a crane, this long fellow was the full entourage, an all inclusive comuna builder for talento tiquicia.
he asked me to dive deep.
i agreed.
the present is preparation, this blog entry is roots up and head down.
i ask, if anyone real read this, to imagine i have every seed i need to keep all forest fresh, forever.
i need to heal this holy land.
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