
no se lo lleven

to grow into invisibility, now in the dawning new era, where the subtle shifts of discourse and disinformation congeal and then vanish without a trace. 

it’s all in formation.

today’s tarot

june 8th, 2021

spiritual belief is an interpretation of and relationship with mystery. 

it’s easy to overlook, but the way we relate to what we cannot see, or do not control is ripe with core beliefs about life and the world. are our inmediate needs within walking distance? 

distance is how we measure movement and are therefore time.

the hierophant

i live where i want to live because i live here.

deep in the mountain, close to the highway, on a globe, in a cosmos, with more life forms that can be counted and should be named. 

souls bound to bodies, then unleashed into realms and memory, all the time before and all the space ahead. 

philospher brian massumi spoke of hope as to do with the capacity to maneuver, the potential in a moment. instead of hope as a capacity for projecting a positive outcome into a moment that doesn’t exist yet, hope is saying i can work with this. i can do something here.

the star.

17 year old juliane koepcke was sucked out of an airplane over peru in 1971 after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. she fell almost two miles to the ground, strapped to her seat and survived. after she endured 10 days in the amazon jungle she was rescued by loggers. 

pluto isn’t leaving capricorn to ingress in aquarius till 2024.

my job from now till 2022, starting 

wednesday september first, 

is logistics.

my closest and my dearest can land home: bed, shower, shit, breakfast and buses to beaches.

all i ask in return are $1200 and a new mac airbook.

i want to see my oldest and my deepest.

my anisa, my bens, my elena, geomas, chaguis, de la jaras, i want to see all my morrisseys.

i want to see my going places.

my si como nos.

tierra india.



ele narda

 en anticipo a fin de año, he dicho por el chat que hay cosas que hacer en costa rica, proyectos, negocio, en fin, hay trabajo. para nosotras, por donde sea en el mundo hay pega, solo que aquí en "la tiqucia" le decimos brete.  

en lo personal nada me importa el trabajo ni ganarme una vida. doy por hecho a gesara.

hay teatros que revivir, talleres que organizar, desasociaciones asociativas para capitalizar, arte que promover, vitrinas que decorar, piñeras que sustituir, jardines comunales que plantar, entrevistas que pautar, bibliotecas que transferir, entre gentes que ya se conocen e inmigrados del pacífico-caribe. entre siervos menguados que estan enmascarillados porque no saben ser libres. 

esta es la suma de todos los charcos creativos desde méxico hasta la patagonia, todos hablan español, y el gringo, que no. y a pesar de ser comunidad concurrida, diversa y bien dotada, no suman más que charquito, la ilusion del cual ha llegado a depender de cuanta misoginia se es capaz de aguantar.

en la centroamerica y el caribe hay imagen que rectificar, niños que liberar, marcas que desprestigiar, producción en general pos-pandemia.

en lo mío tengo que escribir obra, guiónes de teatros-cena, tours guiados por los mitos y etos de la memoria griega, mediterranea, clásica, el origen de memes, las glorias de shakespeare. 

y tengo $17 en el banco. 

las achiras is back, strega :)