it's what we become on our phones through social media.
crisis actors, responding to scripts designed to provoke reactions we interpret as feelings. it's all gay all the time when you're triggered by science. hardly a revolution, and still, revolting.
my real friends have faces that move, and twitch and inflect, that deliver in one wink more significance that any computer could ever comprehend.
the homeless are tunnel people, foster children, orphans, the failed abortions since roe v wade codified murder into motherhood.
through all the course of all the times and yes, forever more, men will be men and dogs be dogs. and as a woman, i am fine with it. i wasn't put here to compete or think for them, my thoughts will be mine throughout all their cults and confinements.
propagandized meat. ignoring the Christed light that resonates with every atom as awareness. it's nature the fabrication of mortality when alone in prayer. mostly an involution of compassion.
a real friend never mistreats about money.
a landed lady can name causation and correlation, as we think mostly with our bodies its usually obvious to us what is empirical and what is anecdotal.
and just like that, if we want, we unhumptydumpty all the facebooks. men and dogs work for women and children, and i am fire with it. i just want to garden the sister muses into fruition, compel all language, the binary, birth and death, into heaven, not hell, on earth.