


it feels like the water challenge; everyone wants to feel a sudden jolt of cold during the hottest months, all to raise money and awareness about yet another disease.

ALS! it worked, it's a syndrome.
among syndromes, named at the detritus of ancestral disease.
we fixed those. measles, mumps, rubeola, polio.
then what?
how would doctors make money if not for sickness?
how would midwives radicalize community health care?
how is cremation of the body not capitalizing on the mechanics of human extermination? your bones too good for the hood?

maybe your child doesn't have a curable malady, maybe your child just hates you, and you're a hypochondriac.

MIT would have me obey them and apply for money for disobedience...
i may as well apply and never submit the application.

what does money want me to do that is as important as not thinking about money?

breast cancer got a pink ribbon.
the makers of machines that flatten breasts and take pictures of inner tissue, won.

maybe we should just refer to nuclear fallout and heat in spikes as radiation therapy, fukushima mon amour. the million year hot dot.

if we're all water, we obey thirst.

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